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The Electronics Industry has pushed us into forced procurement, under-tested and over-stated products, held back on what it should have delivered long ago, yet keeps squeezing us for more than it's worth through every hype cycle. I've had enough. It's unfair. It's underhanded. And it's just wrong.

Cause for action:

1. Pushing customers into their new pricey, low quality products by illiminating important features from their existing product - with the same stroke forcing consumers into the lucrative accessories required.

2. Suddenly and carelessly dropping services relied upon by customers while imposing new systems without adequate preparation or warning, no pre-launch testing, no safeguards against possible (to-be-expected) failures/losses, lack of staff awareness and training, no troubleshooting work-arounds nor or plans in place (management at least?), no recourse, no regard for their users.

3. Decades-long, industry-wide, and no doubt coordinated milking of consumers through slow-roll introduction of new technology and new-type wires and cables go with it. Every year, new wires, grabs, pinches, snaps, clips, changing it's shape to do the exact same function, always grossly overpriced (think ink to a printer), costs us a fortune, time, hassle and storage. For them, it's a billion-dollar excuse to celebrate.

The fleecing doesn't stop there, sorry, next are the introductory deals, fake savings and discounts, minus one-time charge for initiation, set-up and start-up, tax and other hidden fees, six-month interest-free special, the free/yeah-right package and bundle offers, extra-feature Premium, Subscription, and Membership gimmicks, and don't forget the service warrantee against the quality of their own product, maybe insurance, auto-renew trial period, minimal-incriment "improvements" as often as they can get away with it and announce something,  like those non-upgrade upgrades and overstated feature capabilities, while simultaneously dumbing down functionality, and closing off options in order to herd us into yet another monetization scheme.

Wow. Don't you think this has to change? The fine print bullshit; the make it hard for you to choose to be dealt with honestly so eventually you give up your data/privacy bullshit- I could go on for days with all the shady, sleezy, just yuck little tricks to take a person's money. All of it has to go. And maybe I'll trust tech and take my hands off the steering wheel, or have faith in AI when I can edit between two words in a text with any degree of confidence. These very high tech geniuses need to lay off the greed a little, cut back, go to rehab...just quit staring at the bottom line, dreaming up new ways to rip us off and come up with some industry standards -- and stop dragging us through their stupid control wars, strapping us with needlessly-ever-changing wires, batteries, cables, dongles, adapters, ports, chargers, and cases.

Meantime, I'm afraid this is gonna take a lot more than hope.

Anyone?    ~ Kanu

NOTE: Company intentionally unnamed. Hope I conveyed the gist.

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