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The Bitcoin Conspiracy: Satoshi Nakamoto a CIA or NSA Agent?

2 Answers

Len Sassaman. No human being would behave like he did unless he was completely dedicated to the topic, most likely depressed and ultimately suicidal. Only someone dealing with deap depression can be capable of such altruistic action and get no credit or benefit from it.
This guy is an interesting theory:

"Leonard Harris Sassaman (April 9, 1980 – July 3, 2011) was an American technologist, information privacy advocate, and the maintainer of the Mixmaster anonymous remailer code and operator of the randseed remailer. Much of his career gravitated towards cryptography and protocol development.".
I agree. To add, this was his great work, like Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel. To create it, you start with an expertly skilled guy (in this case, a computer scientist with expertise in cryptography). The guy has an aim in front of him - he's interested in non-governmentally-controlled money. THIS MEANS SATOSHI COULD NEVER BE THE SORT OF GUY WHO WORKED FOR GOVERNMENT at any time in his life, i.e. NSA/CIA/GCHQ. This is a key point.

Then this guy lies down and detaches. As we have 3D brains, it begins with 3D pictures in his imagination. Then these become abstract, simplified 3D objects. Then he goes to the whiteboard or notebook, and jots down some scribbles. Then he makes a flowchart. All of this before he codes anything at all. Finally, he writes the code, and then the paper.

This is the work of an introverted genius who never worked for government.
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