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in Deepweb Markets by (170 points)
I am in a chaotic financial situation and I need some money fast. I bought from the onion multishop because everyone on Hidden Answers says that they are legit. I first bought the western union feature with the funds in my electrum wallet and sent it over. They have a  30 minute waiting window so I didn't know that the funds won't be transfered that fast. Then i panicked bought the feature again but with my own crypto exchange account. I didn't calculate the amount right and I was short a few bucks so I made another purchase with like 15 dollars more to the same waiting window so that they can take my order. The window closed and I tried to contact them 2 days no answer... Please can anyone tell me if I got terribly scammed and is there a chance that at least my electrum funds will bounce? I am looking forward to anyones answer. I spent my rent money for this I guess this is a natural selection...

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